A 47 year male patient resident of Nalgonda came with chief complaints of abdominal distension and swelling of bilateral lower limbs since 6 months which is gradually increasing since 10 days and  and fever since 2 days.

History of present illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 18 months back then he noticed abdominal distension which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature and subsequently noticed bilateral swelling of lower limbs , he was hospitalized for one week and took medication which increased his urine output and abdominal paracentesis was done and felt better ,, However he discontinued medicine 6 months back and presented with similar complaints where he was hospitalized and treated conservatively , he was hospitalized 3 months back again with similar complaints , again abdominal paracentesis of 1.5 to 2 lit was done. He is on medication , 

 the past 10 days he noticed abdominal distension associated associated with swelling of bilateral lower limbs which started at ankle and progressed upto knee , 

H/0 of fever high grade, intermittent in nature not associated with chills, since 2 days,

H/0 of anorexia, fatigue and generalized weakness since 3 months,,

H/0 of disturbed sleep since one month, where he complained of excessive day time sleepiness and night distured sleep,

H/0 of yellowish discoloration of eyes 3 months back now it subsided, 

No h/0 of nausea and vomitings,

No h/0 of pain abdomen

No h/0 of decreased urine output

No h/0 of high coloured urine and clay coloured stools.

No history of shortness of breath

No history of blood transfusions 

Past medical illness- 

 History of abdominal distension , swelling of bilateral pedal oedema, and hematemesis one episode 50 ml 18 months back ,where he admitted in an hospital for 10 days which relieved with diuretics , abdominal paracentesis and gastric oesophageal ligation was done.

Appendicectomy 25 years ago

No history of hypertension, diabetes, thyroid , epilepsy or seizure disorder.

Personal history- 

Diet - mixed

Sleep - disturbed , excessive day time sleep , night time disturbed sleep since one month. 

Appetite- decreased.

Bladder habits- regular and normal.

Habits- chronic consumption of alcohol since 20 years daily , country liquor of 500 ml nearly 110gm per day, and whisky of 150 ml per day nearly 50gm per day, 

Last binge of alcohol - 3 days before admission he took 100gm.

Summary - Decompensated chronic liver disease secondary to ethanol consumption, with ascites, portal hypertension, hepatic encephalopathy stage 1 and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.

General examination - 

Moderately built and nourished.

Patient is oriented to time , place and person.

GCS - E4 V5 M6  


Pulse - 82 beats per minute, regular normal volume ,and character, no radio radial or radio femoral delay.

Blood pressure - 100/70 mm Hg, right arm supine position.

Respiratory rate - 18 cpm, thoracoabdominal. 

Spo2- 98 % on room air

Jvp - not elevated.

Physical examination- 

pallor - present

Icterus - absent

No cyanosis

No clubbing

No generalized lymphadenopathy

Pedal edema + 

Head to toe examination- 

Axillary and public hair - sparse.

B/ l parotid enlargement - negative

No fetor hepaticus

No asterixis

No gynaecomastia

Spider nevi - absent

No planar erythema

No leuconchyia

Flapping tremors - seen.

Inspection - 

Oral cavity - No dental caries and no Tobacco staining

Abdomen - flanks full, distension.

Appendicectomy scar present.

Distened veins present.

No visible peristalsis or no visible pulsations.

Palpation - 

Done in supine position with Both Limbs flexed and hands by side of body.

No tenderness or local rise of temperature.

Abdomen - soft.

No gaurding and rigidity

Lower border of liver not palpable.

Spleen not palpable 

Kidneys bimanually palpable , ballotable.

Fluid thrill - present

Abdominal girth - 98 cms . 

Xiphisternum to umbilicus - 16 cms

Public symphysis to umbilicus - 13cms

Percussion - 

Liver span - 15.7 cm in mid-clavicular line

Auscultation : 

Normal bowel sounds heard.

No hepatic bruit , venous hum or friction rub.

Examination of external genitilia - No testicular atrophy.

Examination of spine - Normal.

Provisional diagnosis - 

Decompensated chronic liver disease

Etiology - chronic ethanol related.

 Ascites , SBP, Hepatic encephalopathy 

? Hepatorenal syndrome. Esophageal gastric ligation bands were. 


Child-Pugh SCORE - C


CBP - 

HB - 10.7 

TLC - 19100,

PLT - 1.50 LAKH

N - 90

CUE -  

Albumin- 2+

Sugar- nil

Rbcs- nil

Pus cells - 4-5


Blood urea - 116 mg/ dl

Serum creatinine - 4.8 mg/dl

Sodium - 128 meq/l

Potassium - 5.5meq/l

Chloride - 102 meq/l

Uric acid - 5.0 

Calcium - 9.1

Phosphorus - 8.0 

LFT - 

Total bilirubin - 1.63 mg/ dl

Direct bilirubin - 0.40mg/dl

SGOT - 34 IU/L

SGPT - 20 IU/L

ALP - 186 IU/L

Total protein - 5.4 gm/dl

Albumin - 2.06 gm/ dl

RBS- 70mg/dl

Ascitic fluid analysis -

SAAG - 1.74. Serum albumin - 2.01

                         Ascitic albumin - 0.36

Ascitic LDH - 120 IU/ L

Ascitic sugar - 52 mg/ dl

Ascitic protein - 0.8 g/dl

Appearance - Clear

Neutrophil count - 405.

Total count - 675

RBCS - Present.

PT - 16 Sec.

APTT - 32sec.

INR - 1.11

HIV - negative.

HbSAg -negative.

HCV - negative.

ECG - 

 X ray - 

Treatment given - 

1. Tab PAN 40 MG OD

2. TAB . RIFAGUT 550 mg po BD

3. SYP.HEPAMERZ 10 ml Bd

4. SYP. Lactulose 10 ml H/ S

5. Tab udiliv 300 mg po BD.

6. Inj . Ciprofloxacin 500mg iv Bd

7. Daily abdominal girth .

8. Salt restricted diet.




A 43year old female came to opd with chief complaints of:




Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back and then presented with ;
Pain in the right SIDE OF THE CHEST region  ,  non radiating, increased with inspiration and coughing .
She also complained of  fever, moderate to high grade ,associated with chills and rigors ,  since 10 days. She also complained of cough with scanty mucoid expectorant which wasn't blood tinged, non foul smelling since the past 10 days
She however had no complaints of weight loss ,  dyspnea, burning micturition , vomiting, diarrhea.

No history DM , HTN , CAD, CVA ,Thyroid Disorders, pulmonary tuberculosis


Patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative 
She was moderately built, well nourished 
She had pallor, though no signs of cyanosis, clubbing ,pedal edema, lymadenopathy,

Temperature 100.6 F .
Pulse 98 bpm, regular, normal in volume with no radioradial or radiofemoral day
BP 140/ 80mmhg checked in right arm in supine posture
RR 22 cpm
Spo2 91% on room air
GRBS - 105 mg/dl

Respiratory system examination:

shape of the chest: elliptical
symmetry:b/l symmetry
position of trachea: central
apex beat: seen in 5th intercostal space midclavicular line
Rr-22 cpm
type- thoracoabdominal
no accessory or intercostal muscles usage .
no engorged veins over the chest and neck
no obvious spine abnormality

            all inspectory findings are confirmed.
position of trachea- central
apex beat- felt ( 5th intercostal space midclavicular line)
Movements           lt                 rt
upper thorax         N                  N
anterior                  N                N
posterior                 N               decreased

chest expansion -    N              decreased

Chest expansion              lt   rt
supraclavicular              N    N
infraclavicular                N    N
mammary                        N     decreased
Inframammary               N   decreased
axillary                             N   decreased
infraaxillary                    N   decreased
suprascapular                 N    N
interscapular                   N   decreased
infrascapular                   N   decreased

Vocal Fermitus                lt   rt
supraclavicular               N   N
infraclavicular                N   N
mammary                        N  decreased
axillary                             N  decreased
infraaxillary                    N  decreased
suprascapular                 N   N
interscapular                  N  decreased
infrascapular                  N  decreased

PERCUSSION                    lt            rt
supraclavicular        resonant resonant
infraclavicular         resonant   resonant
mammary                 resonant     dull
Inframammary        resonant    dull
axillary                      resonant   dull
infraaxillary             resonant   dull
suprascapular          resonant   resonant
interscapular           resonant    dull
infrascapular           resonant    dull

AUSCULTATION.         lt          rt
supraclavicular        nvbs    nvbs
infraclavicular         nvbs    nvbs
mammary                 nvbs    reduced
axillary                      nvbs    reduced
infraaxillary             nvbs    reduced
suprascapular          nvbs    reduced
interscapular            nvbs    reduced
infrascapular            nvbs    reduced
no added sounds
no wheeze/crepts/rub

Cardiovascular System Examination: S1 S2 heard ,no murmurs 

Per Abdomen:  soft , non tender ,no organomegaly

Central Nervous System Examination :
           HMF intact

           Speech normal

           Sensory system N

           Motor system N

Provisional Diagnosis:
Right sided pleural effusion 



Chest Xray PA view:

Hb :9.5 gm/ dl 
TLC :17200 cells / cumm
RBC : 4.12 
Plt- 3.7 lakhs cells /cumm
Smear :
Normocytic hypochromic with neutophelia and thrombocytosis 

LFT:                                            RFT:              
                                                   BLOOD UREA:27mg/dl
 TB - 0.6 mg/ dl                         SERUM creatinine  :0.8mg/dl
DB - 0.2 mg/ dl 
SGOT - 16
SGPT- 27
Alp - 239
Albumin -2.9
A/G- 0.74



Pleural fluid analysis :
Pleural tap was done following all the aseptic measures, on right side 6 th posterior intercostal space, white viscous fluid was taken out and sent for analysis
Volume: 1ml
Colour: pus like material
Appearance: Cloudy
Total Count: Plenty cells/cumm
Neutrophils: 86%
Lymphocytes: 14%
RBC: Nil
Others: Nil

SUGARS: #34mg/dl

PROTEIN: #4.3gm/dl

Serum Protein: 6.9g/dl
Serum LDH: 319 IU/L

Cytology report:
Smears showed rich cellularity composed of degenerating neutrophils only against eosinophilic proteniacious background 
Impression: cytology suggestive of acute inflammatory condition.

Final diagnosis:
Type 1 Respiratory Failure due to Pleural Effusion/Empyema likely due to a bacterial infection.

1. IV fluids 
2. Inj Augmentin 1.2g/IV/BD
3. Inj Pantop 40mg/ IV/OD
4. Tab dolo 650mg/PO/SOS
5. Syrup Ascoril / PO/ TID 
10ml,  with one glass of water
6.iv metrogyl 500mg/iv/tid



A 18yr old male presented with complaints of difficulty in walking since 1 month

Bilateral lower limbs weakness since 15 days

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then he gradually developed weakness in both lower limbs   which initially started with difficulty in wearing and holding footwear and then gradually ascended to involve his calf muscles, wherein he had difficulty in walking, which required support (walls). After a few days, the patient started noticing difficulty in getting up from bed, standing from a sitting position and difficulty in squatting.

H/o difficulty in climbing stairs
He also has a history of difficulty in getting up from bed. These symptoms appeared 5 days after the onset of the initial symptom. 1 day later, the patient started developing weakness in his hands, wherein he had difficulty in holding glasses, buttoning and unbuttoning of his shirt and writing. He has no history of difficulty in wearing a t-shirt. He has difficulty in mixing his food but no difficulty in taking the food to his mouth. History of buckling of knees +

No h/o difficulty in breathing 
no h/o difficulty in lifting the head off the pillow

No h/o sensory deficit in feeling clothes
no h/o sensory deficit for hot/cold sensation
no h/o tingling and numbness in UL & LL
no h/o band like sensation
no h/o low backache
no h/o trauma 
no h/o giddiness while washing face
no h/o cotton wool sensation
no h/o urgency/hesitancy/increased frequency of urine
no h/o urinary incontinence
No h/o nausea/ vomiting/diarrhea
no h/o seizures
no h/o spine disturbances
no h/o head trauma
no h/o loss of memory
no h/o abnormality in perception of smell
no h/o blurring of vision
no h/o double vision/difficulty in eye movements
no h/o abnormal sensation of face
no h/o difficulty in chewing food
no h/o difficulty in closing eyes
no h/o drooling of saliva
no h/o giddiness/swaying
no h/o difficulty in swallowing
no h/o dysphagia/dysphasia
no h/o tongue deviation
no h/o difficulty in reaching objects
no h/o tremors/tongue fasciculations
no h/o incoordination during drinking water
no h/o fever/neck stiffness

Past history:
no h/o similar complaints in past
not a known case of DM/HTN/EPILEPSY/CVA/CAD

personal history:
mixed diet with normal appetite and normal bowel/bladder movements
h/o alcohol since 2y weekly twice.
No h/o smoking
no significant family history.

General examination:
Moderately built;poorly nourished
Pallor present 
Icterus negative
No cyanosis,clubbing,lymphademopathy,Edema.
no short neck
no scars;no h/o tropic ulcers
no neurocutaneous markers

BP: 100/60 mmhg
PR: 80 bpm
CVS: s1 s2 hears no murmurs
RS: bae + nvbs hears
P/A: soft ,nontender

CNS:  HMF- patient conscious
oriented to place/time/person
no h/o aphsia/dysarthria
no h/o dysphonia
no h/o memory loss
no h/o emotional lability

cranial nerves- intact

                                              Right.         Left
Bulk:                                  Normal     Normal
Measurements             U/l   28.5cm.   28.5cm
                                      L/L 37 cm    37 cm
Tone:               Wrists      Hypotonia    Hypotonia
                        Biceps     Normal        Normal
                         LL.         hypotonia.      hypotonia

Power              Distal Muscle Group (Wrists)   40%.              40%
              Proximal Muscle Group (Both Extensors and Flexors) 3/5        3/5
              Distal Muscle Group (Both Extensors and Flexors) 4/5              4/5

   Superficial reflexes
                       Right.           Left

Abdominal.      Absent          Absent
Plantar            mute           mute
cremasteric.    +                +

    Deep tendon reflexes 
                     Right.             Left
Biceps.          Present         Present
Triceps.         Present         Present          
Supinator.     ---                    ---
Finger Flexor ---                    ---
Knee              ---                    ---
Ankle.            ---                    ---
                                    RIGHT.           LEFT
             crude touch.   N.                   N
                 pain.             N.                   N
            temperature.   N.                   N
             fine touch.      N.                   N
             vibration.        N.                   N
     position sensor.    N.                   N
 2 point discrimination  N.                   N
tactile localisation.        N.                   N

CEREBELLUM - Normal Examination


HB            10.4gm/dl
Platelets  2.56lakhs/cumm
TLC            10400 cells/cumm
lymphocytes 10%
smear -microcytic hypochromic anemia

 serum electrolytes

Na+ 143 meq/l
k+.    3.9meq/l
cl-.       95meq/l




Bilaterally Symmetrical Ascending Proximal > Distal LMN Type Quadriparesis due to Peripheral Neuropathy upto level C7 likely due to Guillian Barre Syndrome (Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy)

Investigations - Nerve Conduction Studies


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